Thursday, November 28, 2019

Discipleship Counseling Essay Example Essay Example

Discipleship Counseling Essay Example Paper Discipleship Counseling Essay Introduction Discipleship Counseling CCOU201 B06 Discipleship counseling written by Dr. Neil T. Anderson is a complete guide to helping others walk in Freedom and grow in Christ. This book is very useful to church leaders, counselors, lay leaders, anyone who needs a step by step guide on biblical counseling. This book gives the reader a better understanding on how discipleship counseling works and shows them how to create a counseling ministry in their own church. Dr. Neil T. Anderson lays out a very strong foundation of counseling through truth, Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, the counselees’ faith and the support of the Christian community. He discusses the encouragers and the counselees’ role in discipleship counseling. Both parties must be open to the move of the Holy Spirit and his truth for the road to recovery, healing and freedom in Christ Jesus. Dr. Neil Anderson combines the ideas found in Helping Others Find Freedom in Christ and Helping Others Find Freedom in Christ Study Guide. Also, he focuses on four specific counseling areas to help the reader better understand the importance of discipleship counseling. One, he focuses on defining mental health and understanding how biblical counseling addresses the whole person, their body, soul and spirit. Two, counseling the spiritually oppressed and counseling in Christ to resolve root issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Discipleship Counseling Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Discipleship Counseling Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Discipleship Counseling Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Three, overcoming false guidance, deception, bitterness and rebellion. And, most importantly helping others experience freedom in Christ by helping them understand the root causes of their spiritual problems and applying biblical solutions. Truth is very important when it comes to counseling. It is essential for secular counseling and especially for Christian counseling because truth is the foundation. It is the counselee’s responsibility to be honest and forthright in order to get the help that they need. In James 5:16, clearly states, â€Å"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. † In order to be an effective counselor, the counselee should not be in denial but honest about all their hurts, issues and concerns. Before any healing can take place, confession must be the first step. Also, the encourager must live and speak truth in their personal life and when they counsel. Discipleship Counseling Essay Body Paragraphs In order to be an effective counselor, they must be led by the Spirit of truth. The Holy Spirit must be present at all times because he â€Å"enables Christian counselors to commune with God and access the knowledge of God revealed in scripture (Tim Clinton, Archibald hart amp; George Ohlschlager. ,p. 66). † It is the Holy Spirits job to lead the encourager and the counselee out of darkness and into the marvelous light. As, it was mentioned in the previous paragraph, truth is the foundation of Christian counseling, which is God’s written word, the Holy Bible. In 2 Timothy 3:16 it states that, â€Å"all scripture is given to us by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness. So, that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every word good work. † So, the word of God instructs the counselee how to live a life that is proper and pleasing to God. The truth encounter, James 4:7 â€Å"Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. † In order to be an effective disciple and encourager they must first submit to God, second resist the devil and third, he will have no authority in their life. Many people will try to resist the devil without submitting to God and fail continuously. And, they are those who submit to God, but they do not resist the devil and they remain in bondage. The truth is God has given his church power and authority over Satan and his dark forces in high places. If Christian counselors do not exercise the power and authority God has given them, they are not able to delegate responsibility. In, caring for people God’s way the authors state that, â€Å"power is the strength or might to change; the ability to execute a plan; and the capacity to remain firm and constant in a situation, despite opposition,† (p. 5). Once the truth encounter is realized the counselor will not operate in the spirit of fear or their flesh. They must know that Christ has given them authority and through the Holy Spirit they are empowered. So, discipleship counselors should take pleasure in knowing that Satan is a defeated foe and he has no authority to set the agenda in their counseling session. The second most significant point in Discipleship counseling is root issues. Dr. Neil T. Anderson discusses seven root issues that need to be resolved in the counselee’s life. One, false guidance and participation with cults and the occult. Two, Deception, â€Å"people are living in bondage to the lies they believe,† (p. 141). Three, bitterness. Unfortunately many people carry, â€Å"emotional scars and bears the pain of wounds inflicted upon them by others,† (p. 141). Four, rebellion. In this age, many people are rebellious and do not respect authority. Five, pride it â€Å"keeps us locked in a pattern of false thinking and prevents us from seeking the help we need,† (p. 143). Six, habitual sin, this root issue will keep the counselee in bondage, hindering their desire to live free in Christ. And, the seventh root issue is family ties. The counselee must repent and break the cycle of generational curses. An individual cannot grow unless they deal the root issue of their problem. Many people will repeat the same destructive thinking and behaviors because the root issue was never resolved. Once the root issue is discovered and dealt wit h, the counselee will grow and experience changes in their behavior. The seven steps â€Å"will bring to the surface any issues that are critical between a person and God,† (p. 148). Disciple counseling is all about helping the counselee resolve their root issues with four important methods. One, allowing God to cure the soul. It is not the counselors responsibility to cure the counselee, it is their job to work with God, â€Å"as He cures the soul,† (p. 159). Two, relying on God’s strength to find freedom, starting with positive affirmation. Three, getting to the root of the issue in the presence of God. â€Å"God will provide the guidance we need in order to get at the root issues, and He will provide the power to change,† (p. 161). And, four dealing with repressed memories and working through them with the help of God. The third significant point is establishing and maintaining freedom in Christ Jesus. Freedom in Christ is having the desire and power t o know, love, worship and obey God,†(Spiritual Freedom Manual). Christ is the only way for anyone to be freed from the chains and bondage from Satan, the flesh and the world. Also, Tim Clinton and etc. , in Caring for people God’s way, declares that â€Å"many people who will not be freed-including freed enough to grow into maturity-without a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit† (p. 49). So, without the acceptance of Christ and his Spirit of truth, the counselee will never experience change. Their symptoms will be treated but the root issues will never be resolved. In order for the counselee to maintain their freedom they need to know: â€Å"(1) who they are in Christ; (2) the authority and protection of the believer; (3) the nature of the battle that is going on for their minds; and (4) how to walk by faith by the power of the Holy Spirit according to what God said is true,† (p. 167). Before wounds can heal, the counselee must establish their free dom in Christ first. On a daily basis the counselee must choose each day to walk in their freedom, by renouncing Satan and walking in the truth of God. Dr. Neil Anderson states, â€Å"Every work of Satan and every way of Satan had to be renounced in order for repentance to be complete† (p. 221). The counselee must exercise their God given authority daily because the encourager cannot do it for them. It is also important that the counselee recognize the different demonic forces that might be operating in their lives. Once the tactics of Satan is recognized, the counselee must take a verbal stand against Satan, they cannot do it in their own strength but through the power of the Holy Spirit. The counselee must â€Å"Walk in the Light! †, â€Å"Walk in the Armor of God! † and â€Å"Walk in the Grace of God! (Spiritual Freedom). Discipleship Counseling is truly a must have for all who are interested in Christian counseling. Dr. Neil T. Anderson has covered every to pic, concern and issue pertaining to discipleship counseling. He brought up some very good points, which was difficult to narrow down to three significant points. But, without truth, dealing with root issues and the counselee maintaining their freedom, it would not be discipleship counseling, only secular counseling. He gives the reader a complete guide to helping others walk in freedom and grow in Christ. References Anderson, T. Neil. Discipleship Counseling. 2003). Venture, CA: Regal Books. Clinton, Tim. , Hart, Archibald. , amp; Ohlschlager, George. A New Guide for Christian Counseling: Caring For People God’s Way. (2005). Nashville, TN: Nelson Publishers. NIV-Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Spiritual Freedom Manual. http://www. setfreeministries. com. Retrieved on February 24, 2010. The Discipleship Ministry. Spiritual Freedom. (2000 ). http://www. biblestudycd. com. Retrieved On February 24, 2010.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Complete History of AP Classes and Controversies

A Complete History of AP Classes and Controversies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You probably imagine the AP exam program as one of the mysterious primordial forces of the galaxy, along with gravity and taxes. But, in actuality, the AP program is only about 60 years old. From its unabashedly elitist beginnings to its present attempts to democratize advanced high school coursework, read on to discover a brief history of AP classes and exams, some current AP controversies, and some thoughts on the program’s future. History of the AP Program The story of the AP program begins in the 1950s. In the midst of the Cold War, American policymakers began to fear that high school was not adequately preparing students for college and post-graduate studyand students with advanced training were viewed as an essential part of the American triumph over the Soviet Union.In response to the need to better integrate secondary and university education, the Ford Foundation created the Fund for the Advancement of Education (FAE) in 1951. One of FAE’s initial investigations involved examining the records of graduates of elite prep schoolsLawrenceville, Exeter, and Andoverwho were seniors at Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. They found that most students were taking entry-level coursework in their freshman year at college that merely repeated things they had already learned in high school. The final report suggested that more advanced high school students be allowed â€Å"advanced placement† in college coursework based on exam results. Meanwhile, a parallel FAE project worked on developing universal introductory college-level curriculafor implementation in high schools. Both studies together led to a pilot program with 27 schools administering the first AP tests in 1954. After the strong performance of the test-takers as compared to college freshman who had taken introductory university coursework, ten AP exams were rolled out nationally in 1956: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English Composition, Literature, French, German, Spanish, and Latin. Management of the AP program was passed off to the College Board in 1955. In the early days, no exams were longer than three hours and students could take any number of exams for a $10 fee. From the beginning, students received scores from 1 to 5, as they do today. The 1960s saw the beginning of an increased focus on teacher training and exam grading standardization to increase overall program consistency.Subsequent decades have seen both a huge expansion in the number of students taking exams and in the number of different exams offered. Many exam and program revisions have also taken place amid concerns that the program is biased towards students of a higher socioeconomic status. Over the years, the price of each exam has risen dramatically. In 2015, each exam cost $91. Financial aid was available for a $26-28 discount, but this still leaves the cost at over $60 per exam. There are currently 37 courses, and over 2 million students took over 4 million AP exams in 2014. There are about 16 million high school students (of all grades) in the country, which means that one in eight, or about 12%, took at least one AP exam last year. For more on the history of the AP, see this in-depth article by history teacher Eric Rothschild. In the 1960s the AP Program expanded, and Buzz Aldrin prepared to go to the moon. Current Controversies For all that AP exams have become a key marker in high school coursework rigor and an integral part of the high-school-to-college transition, the history of AP classesis not without its issues and controversies. There are four main issues with the AP program currently under debate in the national discourse on education. The Program Is Biased Towards the Privileged In spite of the College Board’s attempts to make the exam fair for all and somewhat standardize curricula, the fact remains that the AP program is most successful at schools with more resources. These schools can afford the best teachers, smaller class sizes, newer textbooks, and better technology, all of which contribute to preparing students for AP exams. This means that students at less well-resourced public schools often do not receive adequate preparation for the exam, even if their schools offer AP courses. In this sense, the AP program does little to address real education inequity and may even perpetuate it. Even the cost of the exam is prohibitive to low-income studentswith financial aid, each exam is still over $60. The Too-Rapid Expansion of the AP Program A similar concern is that the rapid expansion of the AP program has set many students up to fail on their exams. Some have argued that the College Board pushes APs into low-income schools and promotes opening AP courses to all students (not just honors-level ones) too rapidly. Then, it’s argued, they don’t provide adequate support or resources in making sure schools can actually prepare students for the exams. This just leads to many students wasting money taking exams they are likely to fail. The Coursework Is Not College-Level Another common complaint is that AP coursework is not an adequate substitute for introductory college coursework. There are concerns that AP classes skim too much material too quickly, preventing students from developing in-depth knowledge or true understanding of the subject. This leads to students being unprepared for advanced-level coursework when they use their AP coursework to skip introductory classes. Some Schools Are Dropping the AP Program Some schools, most notably the University of Chicago Lab School, are dropping AP courses from their offerings amid concerns that the courses prevent teachers and students from truly rewarding, in-depth academic inquiry of subjects. Of course, others have pointed out that it’s really only prestigious high schools that can afford to drop AP classes since, for many schools, AP coursework is the primary marker of academic rigor on student college applications. In that sense, it’s unlikely that there will be a mass exodus away from the AP program anytime soon. Only fancy schools can drop their AP courses for other advanced coursework. The Future of the AP Program There are, in general, two major movements within the AP program to address some of these concerns: revising courses and introducing new courses. Course Revisions A huge number of AP Courses have been recently revised or are in the process of revision. Of course, each course is different, but there have been some general themes to the changes. One major aim is to reduce the content scope of many of the courses so that students can get more mastery over a narrower span of subject matter. Another major change is to focus more on critical thinking and analysis skillsan example of this change is the focus on analyzing sources on the revised history exams. The hope is that by teaching more skills and less content for rote memorization, students will gain more concrete academic competencies from AP courses that they can carry forward into college. Introducing New Courses and Programs Another change has been to introduce some new courses, like AP Computer Science Principles. The most notable addition, however, is the AP Capstone program, which is designed to compete with IB. To get an AP Capstone diploma, students need to take one year of the new AP Seminar course followed by one year of the new AP Research course, in addition to four other AP courses. Students need to score a 3 or better on all exams/courses to get the AP Capstone diploma. AP Seminar and AP Research are designed to much more closely mimic the feel of a small college seminar class, with an interdisciplinary focus and lots of extended individual inquiry. The AP Capstone program aims both to better prepare students for college coursework and to bring more cohesion to the AP program in general. Will future AP exams be proctored by robots? KeyPoints in the History of AP Exams and Courses The AP Program started as a pilot program in the 50s, amid concerns that students in high school were not being adequately prepared for advanced coursework and college and graduate education.From its small beginnings, the AP Program has become a giant, with over 2 million students taking AP exams in 2014. However, the program isn’t without its critics. There are concerns that the program perpetuates education inequity, that it has expanded too rapidly to prepare schools or students for the coursework, and that the coursework is not college-level. Some elite high schools have even dropped their AP programs. In response to some of these issues, the College Board is in the midst of an extensive revision process that has narrowed the content scope of many courses and placed an increased focus on academic skills and critical thinking. They have also introduced the AP Capstone program, an AP diploma program designed to create a more cohesive AP experience. In spite of its issues, it doesn’t seem like the AP program is going anywhere anytime soon. It continues to be one of the primary markers of rigor on a student’s high school transcript. But it will be interesting to see what the future holds! What’s Next? Wondering about the new AP Capstone program described in this article? See our guides to AP Seminar, AP Research, the AP Capstone program, and which schools are currently participating the AP Capstone program. If you’re looking for more information about the AP program, see our articles on whether or not the College Board is mismanaging the AP program and five problems with the AP program. Curious about the IB program, too? See our introduction to the IB program.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Highlight the role and importance of HRM functions in achieving an Essay

Highlight the role and importance of HRM functions in achieving an organisation's purpose - Essay Example Professionals as a human resource are vied as important in any organization in its aim to achieve its objectives. For example, such multinationals as Standard Chartered Bank view its employees based on how they are important in achieving the strategic goals of the organization. In return, the organizations hold the human resources dear to it that it ensures that whenever any decision is to be made that is likely to affect the employees; they have to be consulted in order to come up with friendly policies. In a study commissioned by Michie and Sheehan-Quinn (2001), a survey of 200 manufacturing firms in the United Kingdom found that there is a close relationship between the performance of corporations and the human resource management strategies employed (Michie and Sheehan-Quinn 2001, pp.287-306). ... agement is great when coherent policies are employed together with great employment practices and they are applied as a package (Kelliher and Riley 2002, pp.237–242). Human Resource Management (HRM) at Standard Chartered Bank Human Resource Management is one of the most important factors critical to the successful running of an organization. This is because in the absence of a proper HRM program, there can be no clear vision for the organization and opportunities will be squandered and resources will be wasted as the full potential of the employees’ remain underutilized or untapped. Acquiring the right employees for an organization is important through good recruitment and selection processes is one way of having a solid foundation for the management of human resources in the organization. Standard Chartered Bank has employed numerous human resource management strategies in order to achieve its objectives. Employee Retention and Managing Diversity Standard Chartered Ban k aims at attracting and retaining the best talent in term of human resource at any given time. It is important to note that working for this bank accords an individual the opportunity to work in fifty-six countries that Standard Chartered Bank operates in and one can benefit from the banks valuable approach that manages people or employees by recognizing their values and thereby developing them on an individual’s talent and strengths. The bank is able to have a diverse work force that it harnesses from the countries it operates in by ensuring that the workforce is of diverse, multi-talented and representative of all the interests of the places it operates in. The motivation for this is to attract and harness the different strengths and talents brought about by different individuals that make them